Today went for my check up. A wise decision, coz i only spent around half an hour there comparing to weekend that will take half of the day. But i was a bit anxious whether me and baby have gained the supposed weight that we should have. Luckily gynae said everything was within expectation. Baby now weight at 2.5kg and me 58.7(slightly increased 1kg from the previous visit)
Baby has settled into the headfirst position but not yet drop into pelvis. And i tell u those foetal movements( kickings & punchings) become stronger and stronger till can send me 'flying'.
And want to know what im feasting on lately??

And more fruits

Hehehe, and not forgetting , my fav, ice-cream, almost have it every day

Luckily my weight didnt increase tremendously from indulging this..... and just another 4 weeks..