
Monday, November 29, 2010


One of my milestone achievement
I can stand with support @ 8 mths old
But funny thing is
I still havent learned
how to crawl yet
I can only lift up my buttock
and push forward
Maybe i will skip the crawling process
just like my gor gor


  1. some children are funny, they will skip the crawling part, hehe....i guess Iyson can walk b4 1 yo.

  2. haha cute chubby Iyson. My girl only start to crawl on 11th months.

  3. oh? can stand liao ah? fast neh!!!

  4. Another milestone achived! Great! Bravo!

  5. yup, viv, agreed with u, some of them tak sabar2 wanna walk so we as the parents will chase them around like siao char bor...hehehe

    oh, vic, chloe so late ar baru learn to crawl?? W 11 mths already start walking jor..

    ami, stand only, still cannot walk ler...if u let him hor, he will just stand like that, dont dare to move also...hahaha

    yes, kathy, i think he will skip the crawling..

    thanks , neth and P& P mum...
